Dunkirk-Fredonia Lions host successful golf tournament | News, Sports, Jobs

The Dunkirk-Fredonia Lions Club hosted its first annual golf tournament fundraiser in July at the Vineyards Golf Course, 4696 Berry Road, Fredonia. The event was deemed a success and the second annual tournament date is set for Saturday, Aug. 6, 2022.
Sixty-eight golfers participated in teams of four persons each. There were many prizewinners. Team Seneca were the overall first prize winners, followed closely by Team Krauza.
A Hole-in one contest was sponsored by Fredonia Basil Family of Dealerships and while no one won the new car, the Lions Club reports that Basil was among the many other area businesses who donated to the event: Fredonia Animal Hospital, Maurice’s, Bill’s Hooks, Nestle Purina, Barone’s Liquor Store, Comerford’s Collision, Salon Belle Vie, First Ward Falcon Club, Canadaway Creek Outfitters, Duper’s, Windjammer Restaurant, Spike Daily’s, Holiday Valley, Sir Prints A lot, DeJohn’s Restaurant, Blasdel Pizza, Applebee’s and Pizza Village.
The event raised just over $3400 which will be used by the Dunkirk-Fredonia Lions Club to support the local community through such programs as: eyeglass and hearing aid programs, durable medical equipment loan closet, scholarships for high school seniors, winter coat drive, support of local food pantries, and much more.
Team KrauzaThe Lions Club, first formed in 1917, is a humanitarian service organization boasting over 1.4 million members, in 47 Thousand clubs, in over 200 counties worldwide. The Lions motto is “We Serve” and while the Lions have historically focused on sight and hearing retention programs, the Lions Club worldwide has expanded their focus as needs in individual communities arise.
The Lions Club is always looking for community service minded individuals to join in the effort to improve the world around us.
If you are interested in finding out more about the Dunkirk-Fredonia Lions Club or Lions Clubs in general, please contact them at 672-8509 or on Facebook at Dunkirk Fredonia Lions. They can also be reached at Box 44, Dunkirk, NY 14048.

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