Elks Lodge to hit the links for annual golf scramble | News, Sports, Jobs

Players and sponsors are being sought for the 26 annual Charitable Trust Golf scramble presented by the Greater Pine Island Elks Lodge 2781. This year’s golf scramble takes place Saturday, Nov. 6, at the Alden Pines Golf Course in Bokeelia.
“We’ve always made it a priority to serve the community,” Judy Hopkins, Past Exalted Ruler at the Elks Lodge 2781, said. “Our 26th annual golf scramble is testimony to our dedication. Over the last five years, we’ve been able to raise over $20,000 to fund programs for the youth on Greater Pine Island. Our lodge has given out 20, $2,000 high school scholarships, supported Pine Island Elementary, the Pilot PIUMC after school program, the Pine Island Little League, Boy Scouts Troop #20, Pine Island Library summer reading program, Beacon of Hope ‘Healing Stitches,’ sent over 100 kids to the Florida Elks Youth Camp in Umatilla and much more.”
The golf scramble is an important fundraiser for the Elks that helps generate money to support programs on Pine Island for children and youth.
The scramble will host four-player teams for $60 per player, $240 per team. Hole sponsorships are available for $100 and the Elks are looking for lunch sponsors at $500.
Check-in is at 8 a.m. with a shotgun start at 8:30 a.m.
“We urge sponsors to get involved, and encourage players to come out for a fun day of golf for a good cause. Thank you for teaming up with Greater Pine Island Elks lodge No 2781,” Hopkins said. “Together, we can change the lives of the children and youth on Greater Pine Island.”
You do not have to be a member of the Elks to participate in the golf tournament. Registration material is available at Alden Pines Golf Course, the Greater Pine Island Elks Lodge and on the Elks’ website www.gpielks.org.
For registration or more information about the 26th annual Elks Charitable Trust Golf Tournament, call Hopkins 425-346-7226 or email juhopkins@msn.com.

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