Divide the total swing time by two. If you have a two-second swing, the backswing would be one second and the downswing would be one
Many golfers try to create a good tempo with a slow backswing. A slow backswing actually destroys a good tempo. Therefore, I teach my students to divide the total swing time by two.
For example, if you have a two-second swing, the backswing would be one second and the downswing would be one second.
The speed of the backswing should match how fast the golfer swings on the downswing. The faster you swing on the downswing, the faster you should swing on the backswing.
Imagine pushing a child on a swing. To increase the swinging motion, one must apply speed more and more as the swing returns.
Good tempo is nothing more than a smooth transition between the backswing and downswing. A small percentage of golfers can go back slow and build up speed on the downswing. However, I have given thousands of lessons and have proven that a faster backswing utilizing the core works the best for most golfers.
Don’t forget to enjoy this great game called golf.
Rick Musselman, a golf author and professional, owns Musselman’s Golf in Williamsport.
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