Paige Spiranac is promoting her projects in a way that will grab everyone’s attention. The 28-year old golf pro and social media personality went to Instagram this week to post a photo of her wearing a black mini dress while on the golf course. In the caption, Spiranac lets her fans know where they can watch and listen to her, including her Playing-A-Round podcast, content for Points Bet USA and her vlogs on YouTube.”Let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see in upcoming content or any ideas you have!” Spiranac wrote. “Unless you say [OnlyFans]. That’s a no.” Spiranac has gained a lot of attention for her looks over the years. And while that can be a good thing, Spiranac has talked about how the golf world criticizes her because of her figure.
“The people who are saying golf is progressive, if you look at them they all look the same,” Spiranac said in an interview with The Guardian in 2018. “They are all middle-aged men. They obviously feel accepted. When you go to a golf course and look around, you see a bunch of guys, everyone looks like you so you are going to feel great. If you are walking in as a woman, you don’t feel the same.”It’s such a male-dominated sport, it has been around for so long and there are traditions,” Spiranac continued. “People like their traditions without change. When someone comes in wearing leggings instead of trousers, it is like the world is ending.” Spiranac also gets a lot of comments about her relationship status. On her podcast, Spiranac revealed why she doesn’t talk about her love life. “I get this question a lot, and I refuse to answer that and I have my reason,” Spiranac revealed. She went on to say: “I think a lot of people think I don’t talk about it because of my business, and if I say that I’m with someone or I’m married, then I’ll lose male followers, and that’s actually not the case.” Spiranac continued to say she is “open and honest about everything in my life, as you guys can tell from the podcast, that I want something to myself, and having a public relationship is very difficult, and as soon as you make it public, you’re giving everyone the right to ask questions and you have to then answer them.”
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