OAKLAND — The Southern High School boys basketball program is hosting its 36th annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser starting at 10 a.m. on Friday (Oct. 15) at the Oakland Golf Club.“I want to continue to thank everyone for your support of Southern Ram basketball,” said Southern boys’ head coach Tom Bosley. “We are extremely fortunate to live in a community that is so supportive of our youth.”The money will help raise funding for basketball trips, especially the longer ones downstate, as well as other needs to help run the upcoming season.The entry fee is $60 per player, and $240 for each team. During the tournament, attendees can purchase 50-50 tickets, as well as mulligans.There will also be a putting contest to round out the event.Those interesting in registering can call the Oakland Golf Club at 301-334-3883 or Southern boys basketball head coach Tom Bosley at 301-616-6520.
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