Women’s golf news | News, Sports, Jobs

Red Oaks Ladies League
The women of the Red Oaks Ladies League traveled to Wellsburg on July 27 to play at Highland Springs, Follansbee.
The play of the day was “Find the Fairway-Minus Putts.” The winners of the game were: First place, Tammy Cox; second place, Denise Augustine; and third place, Lori DeFallo.
Brenda McCloskey won the skill prize of longest drive on the sixth hole and also had a chip-in on the eighth hole. Ruth Lamantia won the skill prize of closest to the pin on second shot on the eighth hole. Low putts prize was won by Tammy Koutskey.
Play will return to Red Oaks on Monday. To play, call the course at (740) 944-1400 on Monday to sign up before 3:30 p.m. Participants are encouraged to be at the course at least 20 minutes before the 5 p.m. tee-off time so teams can be formed.
Spring Hills Ladies Golf
Spring Hills Ladies Golf League played “Soothsayer” on July 23.
Winners were: Flight A, Cyndi Vidas; Flight B, Brenda McCloskey; and Flight C, Patty Gerlando.
Closest to the pin: A flight, Kathi Moore, and B flight, Brenda McCloskey.
Long drive: B flight, Tammy Koulsky, and C flight, Kay Mortimer.
Putts:. Tammy Koulsky.
Kathi Moore won the 50-50 drawing.
Town and Country
Town and Country Golf played “Best Score with Handicap” on July 22.
Winners were: A flight, Lattee Chinakarn; B flight, Norma Henson and Toni Jean Dondzila (tie); and C flight, Nancy Lellie. Low putts were Signa Findlay and Laura Froehlich (tie).
Other winners were:
Long drive hole No. 3: A flight, Veronica Foldi; B flight, Pat Zorne; and C flight, Sondra Hyde.
Long drive hole No. 6: A flight, Findlay; B flight, Zorne; and C flight, Hyde.
Closest to the pin hole No. 4: A flight, Froehlich, and C flight, Lellie.

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