Women’s golf news | News, Sports, Jobs

Cadiz Women’s Golf League
The play of the day for the Cadiz Women’s Golf League on Wednesday was “Foursomes” with alternate shots between pairs.
The hostesses were Karen Sims and Nep Rowland.
The winning foursome included Paula Hope, Kathy Newburn, Sandy Terek and Judy Crawshaw. Brenda Hartley, Ann Milleson and Jane Galigher all had chip-ins.
A brief business meeting was held after lunch.
Next week’s hostesses are Jan Schultz and Donita Rush. The play of the day will be “Three Blind Mice.”
Red Oaks Ladies League
The women of the Red Oaks Ladies League played the front nine on July 5. The Play of the day was “N.O.S.E.”
The winners of the round were: Lori Defallo, first place, and Kathi Moore, second. Brenda McCloskey had the longest drive on hole No. 5. The prize for closest to the pin in second shot on hole No. 6 went to Tammy Cox. Ruth Lamantia had the lowest putt count of the evening. Lori DeFallo had a chip-in on hole No. 2.
Spring Hills Ladies League
Spring Hills Ladies Golf League played a rain make-up game on July 6.
Winners were: First place, Cynde Vidas, Drew Fleshour and Tammy Cox, and second, Ruth Lamantia, Vickie Grant, Brenda McCloskey and Tammy Koulsky.
Other winners were: Long drive, A flight, Cynde Vidas; B flight, Brenda McCloskey; and C flight, Tammy Cox.
Vickie Grant won the 50-50 drawing.

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